Lenny Loosejocks Goes Spelunking – Remastered!
That’s right, we went back into our archives and found the master animation files and sounds for some of our old Lenny Loosejocks cartoons, and then set about remastering and updating them for modern formats. This included re-animating some sections, re-composing shots for various screen aspect ratios, and even enhancing the cartoons with additional sound effects.
Here’s the first one in time for Halloween – the classic and slightly scary – Lenny Loosejocks Goes Spelunking (Cave Exploring).
What’s that, you want more? Well, you’re in luck because we also went on to create a compact, looping, animated Gif version (Gif’s are silent – so we’ve included subtitles). It’s small enough for you to easily send to all of your friends this Halloween! Here it is:
