π« Goal Reached! π« Lenny Loosejocks Goes Snowboarding – Remastered!
Beauty mate! Thanks to our 10 fantastic Ezone Patreon patrons – we’ve reached our first Patreon goal! That means, as promised, we’re releasing the remastered cartoon – Lenny Loosejocks Goes Snowboarding to everyone for free! Once again, we’ve gone back to our Ezone animation archives to tweak, touch-up, tidy and enhance the old pixels and bring you the definitive remastered version of the original cartoon classic!
This time Lenny has brought along his pet dingo, Donga! And as an additional treat, here’s a looping animated GIF version that you can send to your mates!

Our next Patreon Goal is getting 20 Patrons – When we reach that goal we’ll fix up all the hover boarding and bonus pool levels in our popular mobile game Diversion…

So, if you’re already an Ezone Patreon member and you want to reach that goal quicker – be sure to tell your friends about our Patreon! But if you’re not already a member – what are you waiting for? Join us today!